Harry Potter Monopoly Board

Harry Potter Monopoly Board

Custom Harry Potter Monopoly board
Custom Harry Potter Monopoly board


Harry Potter Monopoly Board

Client: Me!

December 25, 2016

Los Angeles, CA


This five-month side project was a gift to my wife. What started as a simple idea quickly became a deep dive into the world of game design, printing, fabrication, and enough Harry Potter research to last a lifetime.

The project featured intense Illustrator and Photoshop work, custom font design, die fabrication, eBay purchases for the hard-to-find figurine pieces, and internet rabbit holes. While it's inspired by multiple artists' work, other than the Monopoly money, it's a completely original design.

See it on Behance: 23k+ views & likes

Full board + custom pieces
Full board + custom pieces
Custom box & insert
Custom box & insert

It was printed at a local Pittsburgh shop for a steal. They knew it was a passion project and hooked me up!



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